Our Archery Courses
In the Bogenregion Mainfranken/Spessart/Odenwald there are nine 3D archery courses that inspire archers from near and far and offer the ideal conditions for practicing our great sport in nature. The archery courses in our region are all very close to each other and are therefore ideal for club outings, holidays with a bow and for organizing club championships in 3D archery.
You can explore all 3D courses in the Bogenregion Mainfranken/Spessart/Odenwald within one week and expand your experience around shooting in the terrain. In addition, you can simply get in touch with other archers on the courses and exchange ideas.
The Archery Courses of our Region are special!
The courses of the Bogenregion are located in a very scenic area in the border triangle of Bavaria, Hesse and Baden-Wuerttemberg. A large part of the courses is located in Mainfranken, which offers ideal scenery for the installation of archery courses due to the many river valleys, meadows, hilly areas and forests. Our courses are unique! This makes archery on our courses a very varied, relaxing and natural experience.
Your visit to our 3D Archery Courses
In order to shoot on our archery courses, you basically need your own bow equipment. However, there is also the possibility to rent a bow equipment at different providers/courses or even to take part in an archery course.
Overview of our nine Archery Courses
Here is a quick overview of all nine archery courses in the region and the key facts:
Short Descriptions
These are the Archery Courses of the 3D-Bogenregion
To give you a quick impression of the archery courses in our region, you will find short descriptions of each course here! You can of course find more information about the respective 3D course on the corresponding sub-pages.
All nine courses are within a radius of about 50-60 km and are recommended for both experienced shooters and archery beginners. Together they have around 245 stations with over 715 3D animals. Where else can you find that?
Collenberg 3D Archery Course
The archery course operated by the bow section of the local shooting club KKSV Fechenbach e.V. Collenberg 3D Archery Course is often referred to by many archers as “the most beautiful archery course in Germany”. With its 33 stations and well over 100 3D animals, this course has been a real visitor magnet for archers from all over Germany and other European countries since 2007. The course in Collenberg is located directly at the Schützenhaus in a valley on the outskirts of Collenberg. It has a very varied terrain with orchards, forest, a small river and two hills in the course. The special thing about the course is the frequent changes of stations and 3D targets that make each visit unique.
Eschau 3D Archery Course
The Eschau 3D Archery Course is located directly at the shooting clubhouse of the shooting club Elsava Eschau e.V. in the Bavarian community Eschau, only a short distance from Collenberg. The course is located in a mixed forest and has 15 stations with around 55 3D animals. The course is easy to walk on with little incline. It is quite cheap and an ideal course for in between.
Stadtprozelten 3D Archery Course
The 3D archery course Stadtprozelten has its starting point directly at the very well-preserved castle ruins of the “Henneburg” in Stadtprozelten, from which one has a wonderful view of the Main valley. The course has 32 stations with around 100 3D animals on a 4.5 km circular route Due to its location on the ridge of the Henneburg, the course has clear gradients at the beginning over about five stations and also in the middle, but after that it runs mostly quite flat through a beech forest, through a rustic hazel forest and over extensive meadows.
Kummersklinge 3D Archery Course
The archery course Kummersklinge has 32 stations with around 110 3D animals and is located near the Baden-Württemberg municipality of Gerolzahn, in the middle of the beautiful landscape of the Odenwald. It was opened in December 2018 and runs along a low mountain stream through mixed and coniferous forests. The course is run by the archery club Bogensportverein Kummersklinge e.V., which have lovingly and almost exclusively arranged with groups of animals. The terrain is relatively demanding, so firm footwear is a must.
Bärleinsparcours 3D Archery Course
The Bärleinsparcours 3D Archery Course has 33 stations with around 110 3D targets. It is located in Altertheim / Steinbach and is aimed primarily at traditional archers, whether young or old. The course leads through a spruce forest as well as across meadows and is very varied and lovingly placed. Some high stands, as well as a shot of the wooden horse are next to a moving target, the special feature of this course.
Kleinwallstadt 3D Archery Course
The Kleinwallstadt “Am alten Schloss” archery course is the newest course in the 3D archery region and has 30 stations with currently 70 3D animals and is located in an idyllic and hilly mixed forest on the outskirts of Kleinwallstadt. The approximately 3 km long circular course runs along interesting small gorges and also over the area of the ruins of the Waleburg. The course is ideally integrated into the landscape and very arrow-friendly, but also challenging.
OX-BoW 3D Archery Course
The OX-BoW 3d archery course in the Baden-Württemberg municipality of Jagsthausen offers 33 stations with 90 3D animals on a 5 km long circular route. This course was opened in 2010 and is ideal for both beginners and experienced shooters. It runs through a forest, as well as over extensive meadows. The shooting distances on the course are all in the range up to 35 meters. Because the course is regularly redesigned, at least every six months, even regular visitors will not be bored. He is definitely worth a visit.
Archery Facility Helmstadt
The Helmstadt archery facility is a small 3D archery facility in Helmstadt, where you can let a few arrows fly while you are driving to or from our region. It is also well suited for a quick quick after-work session. The small and compact course has a shooting range and ten stations with around 30 3D animals in flat terrain.
Wolfsschlucht 3D Archery Course
The “Wolfsschlucht”, as the very special archery course between Kembach and Holzkirchhausen in Mainfranken is called, is located in an old quarry. his is exactly what makes this course so unique. It has 30 stations, some of which are very demanding. Numerous long shots, extremely steep mountain shots and a shot at an island make up the special charm of this course. Laid out steps make it easier to overcome the many inclines and to master the challenging terrain on the archery course. The course is particularly suitable for ambitious and advanced archers who already have a lot of experience in the course.
This is the 3D-Bogenregion
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